Companion CD-ROM: gnutools directory

The gnutools directory contains the GNU Tools that you will be using to develop assembly, C or C++ programs for the DSLMU Microcontroller Board. You will find the source code and precompiled binaries of the tools for Linux and Windows in subdirectories below this one.

The GNU Tools work best under the Linux operating system (or any other Unix-like operating system). It is possible to run the tools under Microsoft Windows, but this is not really recommended. If you want to run the GNU Tools under Windows, you need to install the Cygwin Unix Emulator first.

In general, you will only need to install the precompiled binaries for your chosen platform — there is usually no need to install the GNU Tools by recompiling the source code. If you have some spare time, however, you could use it to look at the source code for the tools and learn from it. Given that there are over five million lines of source code in these tools, you should be able to learn something

Once you have installed the GNU Tools, the only reason you would want to return to this directory is to consult the reference documentation for those tools. Or to uninstall the tools at some point in the future…

Directory Contents

[Root] CD-ROM Root Directory
[Dir] gnutools: GNU Tools for the ARM microcontroller   This is the current directory
[Dir] doc: Reference documentation for the GNU Tools
[Dir] linux: Precompiled binaries for Linux
[Dir] win32: Precompiled binaries for Microsoft Windows
[Dir] cygwin: Cygwin Unix Emulator for Windows
[Dir] src: Complete source code for the GNU Tools
[File] README.html: The file you are currently reading
[File] Licence.html: The GNU General Public License, the licence that applies to the GNU Tools


Please note that the GNU Tools (including, but not limited to, the patches produced by the University of New South Wales), are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.