Companion CD-ROM: gnutools/doc directory

The gnutools/doc directory contains the reference manuals for the GNU Tools. You need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader (or another PDF viewer) installed on your computer in order to read these manuals.

Please note that the manuals included in this directory have not been modified to reflect the environment in the Digital Systems Laboratory. This means, for example, that Using as, the GNU Assembler reference manual contains information about all of the processors it supports, not just the ARM microcontroller. In other words, not everything in these manuals applies to your situation. Caveat emptor!

You should read the Introductions to these tools, written specifically for this Laboratory, before reading any of these documents. You can find the Introductions in the unsw/common directory on this CD-ROM.

Directory Contents

[Root] CD-ROM Root Directory
[Dir] gnutools: GNU Tools for the ARM microcontroller
[Dir] doc: Reference documentation for the GNU Tools   This is the current directory
[File] README.html: The file you are currently reading
[File] gnu-assembler.pdf: Using as, the GNU Assembler reference manual
[File] gnu-compiler.pdf: Using GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection reference manual
[File] gnu-linker.pdf: Using ld, the GNU Linker reference manual
[File] gnu-debugger.pdf: Debugging with GDB, the GNU Debugger reference manual
[File] gnu-debugger-quickref.pdf: GNU Debugger Quick Reference
[File] gnu-binary-utilities.pdf: The GNU Binary Utilities reference manual
[File] gnu-make.pdf: GNU Make — a program for directing recompilation reference manual
[File] gnu-c-preprocessor.pdf: The GNU C Preprocessor reference manual
[File] newlib-c-library.pdf: libc — the Red Hat newlib C Library reference manual
[File] newlib-math-library.pdf: libm — the Red Hat newlib C Math Library reference manual
[File] gnu-coding-standards.pdf: GNU Coding Standards, a document full of suggestions on how to write software
[File] gnu-configure-build.pdf: The GNU Configure and Build System reference manual
[File] gnu-libiberty.pdf: GNU libiberty — a Library of Utility Functions reference manual
[File] gnu-compiler-internals.pdf: a description of the internal workings of the GNU Compiler Collection
[File] gnu-c-preprocessor-internals.pdf: a description of the internal workings of the GNU C Preprocessor
[File] gnu-debugger-internals.pdf: a description of the internal workings of the GNU Debugger


Please note that the GNU Tools (including, but not limited to, the documents in this directory), are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.