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BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
with-debianUpdate debian/changelog to signify package version 7.20-3John Zaitseff6 weeks
masterMinor bug fix in doc/trader.6: remove undefined mR font invocationJohn Zaitseff7 weeks
po-testingUpdate PO files to the latest POT versionJohn Zaitseff3 months
cygwinSpecify the licence to be GNU General Public License 3 or laterJohn Zaitseff3 months
homebrew-macosUpdate the Homebrew formula for Star Traders v7.20John Zaitseff3 months
rpmspec-mageiaUpdate the Mageia spec file for Star Traders v7.20John Zaitseff3 months
rpmspec-opensuseUpdate the OpenSUSE spec file for Star Traders v7.20John Zaitseff3 months
rpmspec-centos7Merge branch rpmspec-fedora into rpmspec-centos7: Update for v7.20John Zaitseff3 months
rpmspec-fedoraUpdate the Fedora spec file for Star Traders v7.20John Zaitseff3 months
with-autogeneratedUpdate all auto-generated filesJohn Zaitseff3 months
debian-v7.20-3trader-debian-v7.20-3.tar.xz  John Zaitseff6 weeks
debian-v7.20-2trader-debian-v7.20-2.tar.xz  John Zaitseff7 weeks
cygwin-v7.20-1trader-cygwin-v7.20-1.tar.xz  John Zaitseff3 months
cygwin-v7.19-1trader-cygwin-v7.19-1.tar.xz  John Zaitseff3 months
homebrew-macos-v7.20trader-homebrew-macos-v7.20.tar.xz  John Zaitseff3 months
mageia-v7.20-1trader-mageia-v7.20-1.tar.xz  John Zaitseff3 months
debian-v7.20-1trader-debian-v7.20-1.tar.xz  John Zaitseff3 months
opensuse-v7.20-1trader-opensuse-v7.20-1.tar.xz  John Zaitseff3 months
opensuse-v7.19-1trader-opensuse-v7.19-1.tar.xz  John Zaitseff3 months
fedora-v7.20-1trader-fedora-v7.20-1.tar.xz  John Zaitseff3 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2024-02-28Minor bug fix in doc/trader.6: remove undefined mR font invocationHEADmasterJohn Zaitseff2-2/+3
2024-02-01Update compilation results for NVIDIA HPC SDK 24.1John Zaitseff1-4/+4
2024-01-31Start preparing for version 7.21John Zaitseff22-43/+52
2024-01-31Update POT creation date in all PO filesbranchpoint-v7.20John Zaitseff19-19/+19
2024-01-31Update the release date: today!John Zaitseff2-3/+3
2024-01-31Mention updating to the latest version of GnulibJohn Zaitseff1-0/+2
2024-01-30Update the Polish translation with further input from Alina SkrinnikoffJohn Zaitseff1-2/+2
2024-01-29Mention changes made to the Ukrainian translationJohn Zaitseff1-0/+4
2024-01-29Revise the Polish translation based on work by Alina SkrinnikoffJohn Zaitseff2-76/+79
2024-01-23Merge branch po-translationproject: Update ro.poJohn Zaitseff1-1/+1