Companion CD-ROM: unsw directory

The unsw directory contains items that are specific to courses using the Digital Systems Laboratory at the University of New South Wales. This Companion CD-ROM has been designed to be relevant to the following courses:

ELEC2041 Microprocessors and Interfacing
COMP3221/COMP9221 Microprocessors and Embedded Systems

You should take the time to look into the directory corresponding to your course — you can use the links above, if you like. In addition, you should also examine the contents of the unsw/common directory. This directory contains important information that is shared between at least a number of courses using the Laboratory.

After you have investigated the contents of these directories, you should also look into the examples directory, which contain example files and templates that you should also use in your course. The reason that those files are not in the unsw/common directory is that you are encouraged to use them outside of the Laboratory as well as in!

Directory Contents

[Root] CD-ROM Root Directory
[Dir] unsw: Information specific to the Digital Systems Laboratory   This is the current directory
[Dir] common: Information for all courses using the Laboratory
[Dir] elec2041: Information for ELEC2041 Microprocessors and Interfacing
[Dir] comp3221: Information for COMP3221/COMP9221 Microprocessors and Embedded Systems
[File] README.html: The file you are currently reading