Mount Jagungal

Grade 5 Grade 5

Kosciuszko NP, NSW
42.0 km (14.5 hrs )

Having thoroughly enjoyed my previous multi-day hike in the Snowy Mountains, I returned a year later to tackle the northern section of Kosciuszko National Park in the Jagungal Wilderness Area near Mount Selwyn. The 42 km hike was long, but not overly difficult and passed through some stunning scenery. The climb to the summit of Mount Jagungal was an adventure in itself, with the lower half of the track overgrown and quite difficult to follow!

I completed the hike over two days, camping along the way at the base of Mount Jagungal. I would also have loved to camp next to the Tumut River, but a more comfortable spot (my car) beckoned and as it was only 4 km away, I decided to complete the walk and have a good night's sleep. This was a fantastic walk and the abundance of wildflowers and spectacular sunrise made this one of the more memorable ones.

Mount Jagungal