Companion CD-ROM: board/doc directory

The board/doc directory contains reference documentation for the DSLMU Microcontroller Board. In particular, the [PDF] Hardware Reference Manual gives a detailed explanation of how the Board actually works and how it can be used. You will want to at least skim-read this document before doing your laboratory experiments. You can also find the actual component manufacturer’s data sheets in the board/doc/data directory.

Directory Contents

[Root] CD-ROM Root Directory
[Dir] board: Information about the DSLMU Microcontroller Board hardware
[Dir] doc: Documents about the hardware board   This is the current directory
[Dir] data: Datasheets of components used on the board
[Dir] misc: Miscellaneous documents, mainly from component manufacturers
[File] README.html: The file you are currently reading
[File] hardware-reference.pdf: The DSLMU Microcontroller Board Hardware Design Reference (recommended)
[File] blockdiagram.pdf: The system block diagram, extracted from the Hardware Design Reference
[File] hardware-design-reference.pdf: A collection of tables explaining which pins are connected to which signals
[File] onboard-software.pdf: A brief explanation of the on-board software